Piringenstraat 64
3700 Tongeren

Tel :
+32 479 93 01 75
Tel :
+32 479 93 01 75

Business management | Interim management

In our current European dairy farming industry, the economic safety net is not the same as it used to be. This, combined with business growth at an inappropriate or unfortunate time, can lead to a slowdown in cash flow, which can lead to liquidity shortages. Stress resistance and switching to the low cost protocol approach as soon as possible are necessary in this case.

Not every dairy farmer is able to act adequately in this scenario because often they are too familiar with their own business environment or do not yet have the experience to deal with these situations. 

Close communication and transparency vis-a-vis all suppliers and the financial partner or institution are also important in these aforementioned periods. ACS has considerable experience in this and is the link between the parties in these less pleasant times, where everyone involved remains correctly and objectively informed.

In situations such as this, we, and our ACP team, have a scenario ready to carry out a complete business scan in a short period of time and to draw up a detailed report of the state of affairs, both on a technical and financial economic level, for all parties involved "with respect for the entrepreneur".


In other words, if you're a dairy farmer you're not a farmer anymore, but an entrepreneur. Making the right decisions at the right times is a must more than ever nowadays. We will gladly help you make these decisions.

Risk analysis, personnel management and labour organisation are just a few of the keywords within your current management. More knowledge and less emotion are key in this.


Please contact us, without obligation, on our contact page for more information about our services.

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